29 June 2021
(This is a joint press release from Bouwend Nederland, Energie Nederland, EBN, Dutch Renewable Energy Associate (NVDE), Topsector Energie, Energie Samen, NOGEPA, VNCI, Geothermie Nederland, Kas als energiebron, KVGN, Gasunie, Techniek Nederland, VNPI, TNO, NWEA, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Raadsleden, VEMW, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the State Supervision of Mines and De Argumentenfabriek.)
Published today, the standard work 'How energy works in the Netherlands'. An initiative of 21 parties in the energy sector led by De Argumentenfabriek. Following other standard works, 'How energy works in the Netherlands' clarifies how our energy system works with clear visualisations, diagrams and concise texts. The Netherlands' complex energy system is reduced to its core. As objectively and factually as possible. Created with the know-how of the 21 partners involved and many other experts, the standard work is a must-have for professionals working in or with the world of energy in the Netherlands.
'How energy works in the Netherlands' was officially launched during the talk show Transition Talks where it formed the basis for some stiff discussions, including debaters such as Diederik Samsom, Head of Cabinet of European Commissioner Frans Timmermans, Medy van der Laan, Director of Energie-Nederland, Ed Nijpels, Chairman of the Climate Agreement Progress Committee and Pieter Boot, Sector Head of Climate, Air and Energy at the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL).
Staatssecretaris van Economische Zaken en Klimaat, Dilan Yeşilgöz, schreef het voorwoord voor het boek waarvan het eerste exemplaar afgelopen week al aan haar werd overhandigd.
"Whenever something is complex, it is all the more important to explain it in an easy-to-understand way. I am therefore delighted with this book. It offers clear and comprehensive information about the world of energy within the Netherlands," - State Secretary for Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, Dilan Yeşilgöz
The accessible standard work
'How energy works in the Netherlands' describes the functioning of the Dutch energy system in an easy-to-understand manner. The book emerged from a broad coalition of 21 parties in the energy system. This includes public and private organisations with diverse roles, with a shared belief that good conversations and decisions about energy start from a clear understanding of how the energy system works. The partners worked together to define and choose the content. In addition, they made expertise available to fine-tune and appraise the information in 'How energy works in the Netherlands'. Information in the publication has been reviewed by many experts, both from partner organisations and beyond. The components of the system are clearly explained step by step with dozens of visualisations, diagrams and concise texts.
'How energy works in the Netherlands' describes the functioning of the Dutch energy system in an easy-to-understand manner. The book emerged from a broad coalition of 21 parties in the energy system. This includes public and private organisations with diverse roles, with a shared belief that good conversations and decisions about energy start from a clear understanding of how the energy system works. The partners worked together to define and choose the content. In addition, they made expertise available to fine-tune and appraise the information in 'How energy works in the Netherlands'. Information in the publication has been reviewed by many experts, both from partner organisations and beyond. The components of the system are clearly explained step by step with dozens of visualisations, diagrams and concise texts.
Menno Snel (Chairman of NOGEPA): Making a success of the energy transition will require many discussions to make the right decisions for the long term. 'How energy works in the Netherlands' provides a good foundation to have these discussions so that we all use the same facts and knowledge. Extending across sectors and industries, this standard work exemplifies the kind of partnership necessary to achieve our 2030 and 2050 national and global climate goals.
Who is 'How energy works in the Netherlands' for?
The social, economic and spatial changes associated with the changing energy system are food for thought and a robust conversation. For all participants in the debate on the Netherlands' energy supply, it is important to start from shared facts and have a shared, objective understanding of the energy system. 'How energy works in the Netherlands' has been produced for anyone who wants to think about energy in an informed way. It is intended for a wide range of professionals involved in the energy system in diverse roles. From policymakers in local government to an SME developing its own products and services for the energy transition. The publication will also be useful for social housing managers getting to grips with sustainability issues or local council members responsible for the energy transition in their communities. 'How energy works in the Netherlands' meets the growing need for information among these current and future professionals and decision-makers in the energy world.
The social, economic and spatial changes associated with the changing energy system are food for thought and a robust conversation. For all participants in the debate on the Netherlands' energy supply, it is important to start from shared facts and have a shared, objective understanding of the energy system. 'How energy works in the Netherlands' has been produced for anyone who wants to think about energy in an informed way. It is intended for a wide range of professionals involved in the energy system in diverse roles. From policymakers in local government to an SME developing its own products and services for the energy transition. The publication will also be useful for social housing managers getting to grips with sustainability issues or local council members responsible for the energy transition in their communities. 'How energy works in the Netherlands' meets the growing need for information among these current and future professionals and decision-makers in the energy world.
From energy flows to climate policy
In five chapters each offering a unique perspective on the energy system, 'How energy works in the Netherlands' provides answers to dozens of questions which together tell the story of the energy system. From the physical energy flows at the core of the energy system to its design, the requirements we place on it and the debate we have about it, everything is clearly set out. In addition, it covers climate and energy policy, from the international perspective to the decentralised level, and covers the energy markets for electricity, gas, heat and fuels, including their legal foundation. Finally, it describes the financial and economic sides of the energy system, thereby offering reliable, unambiguous and easy-to-understand information that forms the basis for a robust debate about energy and sound decision-making.
In five chapters each offering a unique perspective on the energy system, 'How energy works in the Netherlands' provides answers to dozens of questions which together tell the story of the energy system. From the physical energy flows at the core of the energy system to its design, the requirements we place on it and the debate we have about it, everything is clearly set out. In addition, it covers climate and energy policy, from the international perspective to the decentralised level, and covers the energy markets for electricity, gas, heat and fuels, including their legal foundation. Finally, it describes the financial and economic sides of the energy system, thereby offering reliable, unambiguous and easy-to-understand information that forms the basis for a robust debate about energy and sound decision-making.
Ordering and online visualisations
See here for more information and to view the visualisations. Order the book here too.
See here for more information and to view the visualisations. Order the book here too.

(Pictured: Bas Ebskamp – Senior Policy Officer for Energy & Climate, De Argumentenfabriek; Jan Willem van Hoogstraten, CEO of EBN ; Olof van der Gaag, Director of the Dutch Renewable Energy Association (NVDE); Dilan Yeşilgöz, State Secretary for Economic Affairs and Climate Policy)