28 May 2021
The Hague, 28 May 2021 – On 1 June, Menno Snel will take over as chairman of NOGEPA, the oil and gas industry association in the Netherlands. It is the first time that NOGEPA has chosen an independent chairman to lead the association. NOGEPA's members and Menno Snel are all looking forward to working together in the transition towards a CO2-free energy supply in 2050. Dutch natural gas will play an important role in this energy transition.
From 2017 to the end of 2019, Menno Snel was State Secretary for Finance in the Rutte III cabinet on behalf of D66. Prior to that, he was Chairman of the Managing Board of NWB Bank, Executive Director at the IMF in Washington, a director at pension administrator APG and Deputy Director-General for Tax Policy at the Ministry of Finance. On 1 September 2020, he was appointed as a member of the Board of ABP.
Menno Snel: “The transition to a CO2-neutral future is perhaps the most important task that we now face. I am convinced that the energy transition can only be successfully advanced by a firm commitment from the sector. For me, the starting points are clear: the sector is in a position to and actively wants to make a key contribution to the energy supply of today, tomorrow and beyond using its knowledge and innovative capacity. For example, by making smart use of existing infrastructure for the production and transport of green hydrogen, but also for the storage of CO2 in depleted gas fields. Our natural gas will still be sorely needed until the transition is complete. Until that time, it is then important to produce natural gas in the Netherlands in a clean, safe and responsible manner. I look forward to leading the NOGEPA board and the sector as a whole as its independent Chairman."
The arrival of Menno Snel as Chairman of NOGEPA coincides with the departure of Jo Peters, who will retire as Secretary-General of NOGEPA on 1 June. After nine years of representing the interests of NOGEPA and its members, Jo Peters felt it was time to devote his attention to other interests.
Arnoud Emke, Vice-Chairman of NOGEPA's Executive Committee: “We are grateful to Jo for everything he has done for the sector. With Jo as Secretary-General of NOGEPA, we have been able to shape the relevance of our sector in the energy transition. In this process, he has overseen a number of important initiatives. For example, he launched Nexstep (the national platform for the reuse and decommissioning of oil and gas infrastructure) together with EBN. On behalf of the members, he also contributed to the conclusion of the North Sea Agreement. Jo has helped us understand the need for our industry to evolve in line with the demands of the energy transition. Menno Snel is the first Chairman to be appointed from outside the sector. As such, Menno will keep us focused on our role in the transition today, tomorrow and beyond."
Arendo Schreurs was appointed as Director-General of NOGEPA with effect from 1 April of this year. He is responsible for the day-to-day management of the association.