13 October 2020
'How energy works in the Netherlands' was officially launched on 12 October during the Climate Day. 'How energy works in the Netherlands' aims to provide an accessible, factual and neutral overview of how the energy system works in the Netherlands. Its purpose is to provide the basis for informed dialogue and hence better decision-making on energy and climate in the Netherlands.
According to its originators, 'How energy works in the Netherlands' fills a gap in the information landscape. Despite a plethora of available information, there is no single place where the workings of the energy system are presented in an accessible and authoritative way. Ed Nijpels (Chairman of the Climate Agreement Progress Committee) agrees: "Actually, it should have been there already. Having a standard work which you can consult and objectively sets out all the facts and figures is excellent." 'How energy works in the Netherlands' is a publication describing the energy system step-by-step through a series of visualisations. The book is intended for the growing group of professionals working in or on the energy system and the transition in the coming years. 'How energy works in the Netherlands' was originated and produced by De Argumentenfabriek.
'How energy works in the Netherlands' comes from a broad coalition of parties, both in the public and private sector, from producer to consumer, and from traditional to newer players in the energy system. All with a direct stake in the energy system. "It was urgently needed to try to reach a unified and integrated document with all these parties," said Ed Nijpels.
We expect to present the book 'How energy works in the Netherlands' in May 2021. In the coming months, De Argumentenfabriek will be working with participating organisations and many other experts to develop the content.
'How energy works in the Netherlands' is a collaborative effort by: Bouwend Nederland, EBN, Energie Nederland, Energie Samen, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, Gasunie, Glastuinbouw Nederland/Kas als Energiebron, KVGN, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Raadsleden, NOGEPA, Nationaal Programma RES, Dutch Renewable Energy Association (NVDE), NWEA, Platform Geothermie/DAGO, the State Supervision of Mines (SSM), Techniek Nederland, TNO, Topsector Energie & VEMW, VNCI and VNPI. De Argumentenfabriek is the implementing partner 'How energy works in the Netherlands'.