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Energy for Tomorrow public campaign

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16 February 2021
From 1 February to mid-March, the public campaign Energy for Tomorrow, an initiative of the 13 Dutch oil and gas companies, united in NOGEPA. The aim of this campaign is to show the role we play and want to play in the Dutch energy supply of today, tomorrow and beyond.

Natural gas accounts for a significant part of our energy today. At the same time, we are all working hard on the energy transition towards a CO2-free energy system by 2050. The Dutch gas industry plays a specific role in this. Today, by producing natural gas at home in the Netherlands. Tomorrow, by using our knowledge and infrastructure for new applications, such as hydrogen pilots and CO2 storage. And beyond tomorrow, as a transformed sector, as part of the new energy system, for example, electrification of gas platforms, production and transport of hydrogen, geothermal projects and green gas production. These are the efforts we are making for our Energy for Tomorrow .

The campaign includes a TV commercial (https://www.onsaardgas.nl/energie-voor-morgen/), radio commercials, advertisements in national newspapers and snaps on social media and elsewhere online.


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